
网站建设 2254
本篇文章给大家谈谈网站建设的英文,以及网站建设的英文怎么说对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。 本文目录一览: 1、企业建设英文网站需要注意哪些事宜!




不少出口企业花钱在Google投放关键词广告,但糟糕的是广告所链接的网站由于出现大量的基础问题,影响潜在客户顺利获取产品信息和公司信息,导致潜在客户流失。以下是一些常见的问题:编码问题英文网站的浏览器编码可能还是中文编码“gb2312”,而不是国际化编码“UTF-8”或“ISO”系编码,将导致海外用户打开网页可能出现乱码,这种情况常见于那些中英文版本于一站的公司网站,网站建设服务商直接将企业的中文版翻译一遍,未对程序代码进行英文版转化。 网页新窗口打开方式 链接新窗口打开方式是中文网站的特点,英语国家习惯采用当前页面打开方式,如果依然沿用新窗口开启方式,会与英语国用户习惯犯冲。 英文网站中国主机 潜在客户在哪里,主机地点就放置哪里,这是网站建设的基本原则之一。英文网站建设的主机最好放在英语国所在地。 中式英文翻译 很多出口企业将中文网页内容直接翻译成英文,但由于翻译者水平参差不齐,或者对企业的专业领域了解不透彻,经常难免出现中式英文翻译,令老外看不懂,直接觉得企业很不专业。 搜索引擎优化 英文网站要易于被google、yahoo等英美主流搜索引擎检索到,需要在英文网站建设及内容维护中遵循一系列搜索引擎优化原则,由于涉及大量专业知识,很多英文网站建设服务商未能为出口企业考虑到这一点,导致网站的搜索引擎友好性不佳,企业长期依赖投放搜索引擎广告才能获得用户访问,已经成为影响英文网站建设质量的首要问题。因此出口企业需要找专业的英文网站建设公司解决这一基本问题。 浏览器不兼容


the website is in construction, please keep in attention



w3c是英文 world wide web consortium 的缩写,中文意思是w3c理事会或万维网联盟。w3c于1994年10月在麻省理工学院计算机科学实验室成立。创建者是万维网的发明者tim berners-lee。




Annoying Website Design

Have you ever considered that your website may be annoying? When it’s comes to website design, knowing what visitors hate most is a must, unless you don’t want them to visit you again. This article describes what you should exclude from your website. If you know about an annoying website, feel free to send this article to its webmaster.

A few weeks ago I received an email from a colleague asking me to check one of the website he had developed. He is a web designer and his client wanted a nice attractive flash header. The flash header was great. You can’t miss it at all. Some nice graphics elements were flying in while sound effects created just the right atmosphere. However, after starting to explore the website, the header became very annoying because every time you clicked on the website the header restarted. What was pleasant initially became very annoying very quickly, disturbing your concentration and making it difficult to read what was on the page.

He is not the first to create what I like to call – "annoying website design". Many webmasters, especially new webmasters are totally “in love” with their ideas and tend to go overboard with their design in one way or another. It’s nice to have an attractive header, but is it really necessary to assault the visitor’s mind with it? In my opinion, absolutely not!

Webmasters sometimes forget that their website design should send a message to the visitor that should reflect the website topic and not the programmer’s skill level.

Is Your Website Design Annoying?

Well…. It’s not that hard to be annoying. However, some webmasters are much better than others at annoying their visitors. Check my top 5 list and decide for yourself whether you have been annoying your visitors.

Background music – Unless you are operating an online internet radio station or sell music CDs, why play a midi/wav file in the background continuously on every page?

Huge font size – If you are designing a website for people with a disability then you are doing the right thing, but if not then you are shouting. People don’t like it when someone shouts at them.

Small font size – Do you want to be heard? Keep a normal tone, don’t shout but "speak" in a reasonable volume.

Overlapping layers – Layers can be very useful up to the point. But not when they are being used to put an annoying message in the visitor’s face. Don’t try to force your visitor to read your messages. Try persuasion instead of brute force.

Popup windows – Even though popup windows are now blocked by many add on tools, webmasters keep using them. The annoying part of popups is sometimes we actually miss important information because of those anti popup tools. Haven't you heard the old phrase "if you can’t beat him, join him”? Don’t use pop up windows. Put your important messages in a central place on your website.

Most likely each one of us has our own private top five lists. You probably have many more annoying design cases in mind. Well, you’re right, the list is much longer then that. I just wanted to describe some of the highlights in order to bring this important subject your attention.

Some of you are probably reading those lines and smiling while some others have a feeling a deja-vu. Keep in your mind that as a webmaster the last thing you want to do is put lots of effort into your website and then find out that your visitors hate it. It's not a matter of taste, it's more about being the same polite person we all try to be when we go to a party.

I tried to point out a few things that might be useful to some web designers and webmasters. I don’t know about you, but I’m going to send this article to my friend, hopefully he’ll send it to his client :)


What does the website good operation depend on is? Depends on the technology, definitely is not, because the technical development is a relative concept, does not have the durability, lacks the cohesive force, if depends on this merely, cannot maintain the entire website development. The website is actually an enterprise, it is provides to own customer by the different product, namely glances over by the homepage form development for them, lets them by the interactive way participation and so on, therefore the websites must be able to represent the enterprise the image, can transmit an enterprise the profession style, therefore in the color, in the typesetting must even more pay attention.

Key word: Website subject; Structural design; Function division






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